This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Studio ABCD for The Second Life brand for its brand THE SECOND LIFE offers shipping options to its customers.
Methods & prices
Currently, we offer only standard shipping to all our customers. Standard shipping is processed for shipping within 1-3 days of the order.
The domestic shipping prices are defined based on weight. Each 0.5 kg of weight is charged at Rs 60.00 (Actual weight vs volumetric weight whichever is higher) including packing and handling.
The international shipping prices are available in regular and express options.
The regular shipping via India Post will start at Rs 750.00 per 500 grams onwards. The express shipping starts at Rs 2000.00 onwards via DHL. The prices are subject to customs and other duties depending on the destination countries.
Domestic & international shipping
We offer our products to the Indian and international customers.
For international shipping, We offer regular and express shipping via India Post and DHL express shipping.
Shipping time frames
All domestic orders are processed for shipping within 1-3 days of the orders. The products are expected to be delivered within 5-7 days post shipping. This may change based on unknown circumstances faced by the delivery partners and the accuracy of the provided delivery address and contact details. Once shipped all orders are expected to be delivered within 72-96 hours.
All international orders are processed for shipping within 2-4 days of the orders. The products are expected to be delivered within 7-10 days post regular shipping and 3-5 days for express shipping.
This may change based on unknown circumstances faced by the delivery partners and the accuracy of the provided delivery address and contact details. Once shipped all orders are expected to be delivered within 72-96 hours.